Break Free from the Trading Circus

You know that saying – “An elephant never forgets?”

Well I just got sideswiped by this saying in a very peculiar way.

So… I’m in Thailand at the Phuket’s elephant sanctuary…

Feeding them, enjoying the company of these wondrous animals.

But then…

I saw this…

Above, an elephant bobbing its head and repeating some wacky dance moves.

These behaviors were ingrained into the poor elephant’s psyche during its time in the circus.

The problem is, Mr. Elephant isn’t in the circus anymore.

And he hasn’t been for over 10 years!

Yet, he’s still performing the same routines.

This reminds me of many aspiring traders…

They execute their trades but lack an edge.

Repeating the same old mistakes.

Hoping for a win.

And they keep on trying, again and again, expecting different results.

But here’s the thing, {{contact.first_name}}…

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Unlike Mr. Elephant, traders can choose to change.

Recognizing the problem is the first step to solving it.

Mr. Elephant might be haunted by memories of being forced to perform.

But what’s stopping a trader from succeeding?

Traders have the freedom to choose differently.

So, why stay in the “trading circus?”

Here’s how to step out and start making wiser decisions:

  1. Pause and Reflect: Stop trading for a moment. Use this time to journal your trades and reflect on what has and hasn’t worked.
  2. Identify the Faults: Be brutally honest with yourself about the flaws in your trading strategy.
  3. Seek Guidance: Find a mentor who can provide you with the insights and feedback necessary to evolve your trading tactics.

Then once you hit profitability…

You might find yourself travelling all over the world…

Taking a few trades on a weekday evening…

And feeding some elephants in the next morning…

All while pondering life.

Your boy,


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