How to Grab Opportunities Every Single Day in the Markets

Hey man!

Your boy’s coming at you with another exciting interview…

This time with none other than Jeff Holden of SMB Capital!

Grab yourself a drink AND…..

Tune Into the Conversation Here

What do Jeff and I discuss on this week’s Speculators Podcast?

  • “The ten year plan”
  • Forming new habits
  • Placing stops effectively
  • Understanding “Playbooks”
  • When to say “No” to a trade
  • Easiest way to cure your trading psychology
  • Finding a community and exchanging value
  • What problem is a trader actively solving for?
  • Why SMB members have 4-5 different edges!
  • Why trading is ultimately a personal journey
  • The importance of evening relaxation to recharge
  • Why markets are opportunity generating machines
  • How many times should you try a setup to realize edge?
  • Making trading fit your life and not the other way around
  • How pre-market prep with other traders improves your daily bias
  • Krispy Kreme example – combining fundementals with technicals

It was an information-packed discourse with Mr Holden.

As he says, there are “opportunities every single day” in the markets.

Our job as traders is to know what our edge is and wait for the market to come to us!

Enjoy the show!

Happy Trading,


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